Nearly twenty years ago, when HMS Endurance pulled into Port Everglades, the seed was planted for this adventure. Since Endurance I have been drawn to that frozen part of our planet, the creatures who call it home, and the stories of the men and women who have walked there. Deep inside where dreams are born I knew one day I would travel to the place some have called White South. I hope that you will come along with me on this exciting adventure. Judi (a/k/a TheWanderingJu)


February 11 ~ Close, but no cigar

5:30 AM - the first wake-up call of the day. "Good morning. Please do
not bother getting out of bed, as we will not be doing an early morning
landing." In the end, we did not make any landings today. The Captain
took us further south, into the Gullet, but we were unable to get
through. We returned to Detaille Island where Zodiacs were sent out to
see if a landing would be possible in today's weather - cold, rain,
sleet, snow, wind, and choppy seas. Not for the faint of heart - nor for
amateurs. The entire day was spent in the company of icebergs - and we
could not get enough of them. We "played" the cloud game - you know,
where you see a cloud and talk about the shape it has taken on. However,
this time icebergs were our imaginary shapes. When we finally dropped
anchor for the day, we were surrounded by snow covered mountains and
more icebergs.

Throughout the day we found ourselves busy. Gabe lectured on marsupials
and forests in the morning, Trivial Pursuit took up most of the
afternoon, followed by happy hour and a BBQ dinner.

At 10:00 the anchor was raised and we are on our way north. The schedule
shows a 6:30 wake-up for tomorrow, after which, if the weather
cooperates, we shall step onto The Antarctic Continent. By tomorrow
afternoon we will be headed north to the Drake Passage and, ultimately,
Ushuaia. It has been a long day. Until tomorrow. Thanks for coming along.


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Antarctica Reading ~ And Other Adventures

  • Endurance by Alfred Lansing ~ Antarctica (An incredible book that will keep you spellbound)
  • Looking for Alaska by Peter Jenkins ~ Alaska
  • Miles From Nowhere by Barbara Savage ~ Cycling
  • South by Ernest Shackleton ~ Antarctica
  • The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race against an Epidemic by Gay & Laney Salisbury ~ Alaska
  • Touching My Father's Soul by Jamling Tenzing Norgay ~ Everest
  • Two In The Far North by Margaret E. Murie ~ Alaska

Antarctica Expeditionary Team ~ Judi, Felice, Bob, and YOU!