Nearly twenty years ago, when HMS Endurance pulled into Port Everglades, the seed was planted for this adventure. Since Endurance I have been drawn to that frozen part of our planet, the creatures who call it home, and the stories of the men and women who have walked there. Deep inside where dreams are born I knew one day I would travel to the place some have called White South. I hope that you will come along with me on this exciting adventure. Judi (a/k/a TheWanderingJu)


Check it out. Where in the world is Judi?

Google Earth streams the world over wired and wireless networks enabling users to virtually go anywhere on the planet and see places in photographic detail. This is not like any map you have ever seen. This is a 3D model of the real world, based on real satellite images combined with maps, guides to restaurants, hotels, entertainment, businesses and more. You can zoom from space to street level instantly and then pan or jump from place to place, city to city, even country to country.

Get Google Earth. Put the world in perspective.


Some Sites About The Sights


January 29 ~ Packing/Unpacking/Repacking .. second attempt

We have all had this happen to us. Write an e-mail, get it right, hit the "send" button, and disaster - the message disappears. That just happened to me. We know the drill - rewrite, but without that original "brilliance". That being said, here goes my attempt at Packing~Unpacking~Repacking part deux.

In my travels, getting light (my suitcase) has been a constant goal. For our flights between Buenos Aires and Ushuaia weight is not an option - but the rule. With that in mind, I have been repacking and rethinking everything. Yesterday I was most interested in the large number of accessories that have become a part of our lives with the advent of cell phones, digital cameras, computers, and more. Taking a digital camera? (I am taking THREE) Extra batteries, spare lens cap straps, battery chargers and cords, memory cards - lots of 'em for this trip, filters, tissues for cleaning the lenses, etc. and so on. I spent a good part of the day putting these small items into small bags and making a list to remind me where I could find the aforementioned items when I needed them. All of this will go into my carry-on bag - a waterproof backpack that is in transit as I write.

Felice and Bob have three more wake ups, and I have four, until we head out on this adventure of a lifetime that is like nothing we have done on earth, and feels like travel to another planet. Until next time ...

Judi ~ TheWanderingJu


January 26 ~ Weigh-in

Packing list -

Right boot - Sock liners, glove liners, shorts (yep, taking one pair of shorts), 4-pair of wool socks, 2-pair of short socks.
Left boot - Mittens, black NorthFace hat, quasi Peruvian wool hat with ear flaps, handwarmers, fingerless gloves.

Won't bore you with what can be found in the bottom section, main section (the aforementioned Wellies/Boots are found there), top section, and front pocket. But, you get my drift. In days gone by we had a suitcase - open it and find what you need in the singular square space. These days things are so much more complicated - from our desktops to our laptops, from our purses to our briefcases - filled with more spaces and/or pockets to put things into than are necessary, leading most of us to become mumbling and bumbling idiots as we search for that paper, book, wallet, Tylenol, or item of clothing that we know we "have someplace".

The moment of truth has come - how much does my backpack weigh? As you know - if you have been following along - for our in-country flight from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia we are allowed one checked bag weighing NO MORE THAN 33-pounds, and one carry-on weighing 11-pounds or less. The former is strictly adhered to - the latter not so much (as long as your bag is not unreasonably large). I borrowed a scale from Kenny and Angie, weighed myself, stepped off, picked up the pack, stepped back on - 30 pounds (the pack - not me). Took out two small books that I want to bring along - 28.5 pounds. Perfect! If my case seems to gain weight during our couple of days in Buenos Aires, I'll stuff the pockets of my jacket with gloves, mittens, scarves, and anything else I can think of to bring the weight down.

For your reading pleasure, I've added a reading list to the BLOG, as well as a couple of links to other sites - Felice and Bob's BLOG, and the Mississippi River Ride that Holly and I took last summer. (Scroll to the bottom of the page for these) There will be a quiz!

Until next time ~ Judi a/k/a TheWanderingJu


January 23 ~ Last Day at Work

This might be how Shackleton felt, saying good-bye to his friends and colleagues as he prepared for his journeys to White South. Or perhaps not. For me, there was the strong need to say my good-byes to people at work, to give and receive hugs, while trying very hard to keep myself from jumping out of my skin. The excitement has become electric.

With all the men, supplies, and gear that Shackleton brought along on his most famous expedition, I doubt he had "what have I forgotten?" churning around his mind quite as much as we do. We cannot stop shopping. We keep remembering "just one more thing" that we need. That being said, just before writing this post, Felice and I did a little last minute shopping - she in front of her computer and me in front of mine (saves on gas). I ordered a waterproof backpack for my cameras and other gear that I will take along as we leave the ship and venture out. Felice ordered the same one a couple of weeks ago - she, too, is a photography buff. Additionally, we both ordered waterproof - to 15 feet - bags for our small point and shoot cameras. This will allow us to use them - and the camcorder Bob is bringing along - while we are skimming across the sea in our Zodiac.

Felice's pack is down under the requisite 33 pounds. I will let you know how I do when I begin the ritual that Holly and I call packing-unpacking-repacking when we are preparing for and in the midst of some of the cycling adventures we have shared. Until the next time.

Judi ~ TheWanderingJu


January 20 ~ The Packing Process

Had lunch with Felice today. She and Bob did a 'practice' pack. For our flight from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia we are limited to one checked bag weighing no more than 33-pounds, and one carry-on weighing no more than 11-pounds. Felice's checked bag was three pounds over, to which Bob commented, "Do you really need three hats?"

As Felice says - they are now 11 wake-ups from leaving, and I am 12. As it gets closer it becomes more real and less real all at the same time. It is exciting, nerve-wracking, scary, and many other emotions. Will write again when I get to my 'practice' pack - probably not before the end of this week.


January 17 ~ Count Down to White South

Fifteen days left until I head out on the adventure of a lifetime - Antarctica via Buenos Aires and Ushuaia in Argentina. My travel companions - Felice Shekar and Bob Harskell, as well as 95 other adventurers (including 4-dozen other Elderhostelers). Please join us as we travel from the moderate temperatures of South Florida's winter to the heat of summer in Buenos Aires; from the cool beauty of Tierra del Fuego and Ushuaia - the southernmost city in the World- through the Drake Passage, and to our final destination - Antarctica.

Antarctica Reading ~ And Other Adventures

  • Endurance by Alfred Lansing ~ Antarctica (An incredible book that will keep you spellbound)
  • Looking for Alaska by Peter Jenkins ~ Alaska
  • Miles From Nowhere by Barbara Savage ~ Cycling
  • South by Ernest Shackleton ~ Antarctica
  • The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race against an Epidemic by Gay & Laney Salisbury ~ Alaska
  • Touching My Father's Soul by Jamling Tenzing Norgay ~ Everest
  • Two In The Far North by Margaret E. Murie ~ Alaska

Antarctica Expeditionary Team ~ Judi, Felice, Bob, and YOU!