Nearly twenty years ago, when HMS Endurance pulled into Port Everglades, the seed was planted for this adventure. Since Endurance I have been drawn to that frozen part of our planet, the creatures who call it home, and the stories of the men and women who have walked there. Deep inside where dreams are born I knew one day I would travel to the place some have called White South. I hope that you will come along with me on this exciting adventure. Judi (a/k/a TheWanderingJu)


February 2 - Hola a Buenos Aires

We have arrived. Had a great flight - drooled all the way to South America after a terrific meal - including ice cream for dessert (one of the MAJOR food groups). This Business Class section had seats that reclined nearly flat into a bed, along with a big comfortable pillow, a down-filled comforter, a Bose noise cancelling headset for listening to the movies and music that were all available On Demand. Took off late, landed safely (the most important part of any flight).

Our hotel, Hotel Elevage, is beautiful. One little glitch - when I arrived I had been put into a room with a woman who was signed up as a single supplement (having paid extra for the privilege), and it took a lot of work on Gabriel´s part (he is our wonderful guide) to get me a single room of my own. While I waited I read - then taking the pillows off the back of one of the couches in the lobby, I napped. Patience is always a virtue - my room is wonderful.

We toured a bit today, will tour again tomorrow before heading back to the airport for our flight to Ushuaia - approximately 3 1/2 hours. It is HOT here - warmer than the weather I left behind in south Florida. Hard to conceptualize that it will be cold very soon. Our meals have been exceptional. There are a number of us who are vegetarians and we are being well fed.

I am on a computer in the lobby area, and on a time budget. There is a card reader attached, no luck getting photos attached. Time marching on. Must close this. Until next time.

Judi a/k/a TheWanderingJu

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Antarctica Reading ~ And Other Adventures

  • Endurance by Alfred Lansing ~ Antarctica (An incredible book that will keep you spellbound)
  • Looking for Alaska by Peter Jenkins ~ Alaska
  • Miles From Nowhere by Barbara Savage ~ Cycling
  • South by Ernest Shackleton ~ Antarctica
  • The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race against an Epidemic by Gay & Laney Salisbury ~ Alaska
  • Touching My Father's Soul by Jamling Tenzing Norgay ~ Everest
  • Two In The Far North by Margaret E. Murie ~ Alaska

Antarctica Expeditionary Team ~ Judi, Felice, Bob, and YOU!