Nearly twenty years ago, when HMS Endurance pulled into Port Everglades, the seed was planted for this adventure. Since Endurance I have been drawn to that frozen part of our planet, the creatures who call it home, and the stories of the men and women who have walked there. Deep inside where dreams are born I knew one day I would travel to the place some have called White South. I hope that you will come along with me on this exciting adventure. Judi (a/k/a TheWanderingJu)


Another Attempt

Wednesday, February 7 - At Sea

Weather cooperative, company excellent. We had our first landing this
morning - Penguin Island. There were seals as far as the eye could see -
and penguins at the far end of the island (where I did not go - still
feeling weak). This dressing, undressing, redressing thing is exhausting
- even for the people who are 100% healthy. We are wearing so many
layers, but learning to cope. Felice and Bob get into shorts and
tank-tops as soon as they get back on board. We had a delicious lunch,
and are being called for this afternoon's landing - another opportunity
to "dress up" We've had so much trouble sending these e-mails. Below
you will find a few we sent out but are fairly sure did not get through.
They are unfinished because the system truncates them. But, it's
something to read. Will try to write tomorrow morning - depending upon
our schedule.

Thanks for coming along - Judi, Felice, Bob, and the entire Antarctic

MONDAY - Felice Report (Judi in bed)

Greetings from Drakes Passage, and what a ride it's been so far. We
left the port last night at 6pm. All was smooth sailing. But not for
long. We first went through Beagle Channel, which was smooth and
beautiful. Out one side of the ship was Chile and the other side
Then we got in Drakes Passage (check it out in an atlas, or wikipedia or
google it for more info) at about midnight. The winds were 30-40
knots, the seas were 35-40 FEET. What a ride! The furniture danced all
over the room, crap was falling off shelves, and we were sliding on the
sheets. All three of us are wearing our sea-sick patches. Apparently

TUESDAY - Felice Report:

Good Morning Everybody. It's 7:50 am and all three of us are here.=20
Yes, Judi is here. She's finally better. She slept all day yesterday
and all night with no problems. Other than feeling a little weak,
she's fine. We're waiting for breakfast and have already seen some
Cape Petrol (birds). Again, check out Wikipedia or google. They're
There's been a change of schedule due to the weather. In order to keep
Judi (and everyone else) from being sick we're heading further east and
will make our first landing tonight at Elephant Island, where Shackleton
is throwing a party for us. We're finally gonna find out if penguin is
TUESDAY - Judi Report

I do hope this reports gets out, because somehow, our e-mails have been
bouncing back. With a strong feeling of faith (and a heart filled with
hope) I am writing - for the first time - and do hope you will see this.

We are close to Elephant Island, and will be going ashore around 8:00
tonight. It has been a day filled with lectures (I got everybody's
attention by snoring in a corner) and we left our cabin a few moments
ago to get our first glimpse ff a an iceburg. It was COLD on the bridge
so I did not stay outside for longer than it took to snap a couple of
photos. They are calling us for another lecture. I am sure we will write

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Please be kind and keep your replies short.

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Antarctica Reading ~ And Other Adventures

  • Endurance by Alfred Lansing ~ Antarctica (An incredible book that will keep you spellbound)
  • Looking for Alaska by Peter Jenkins ~ Alaska
  • Miles From Nowhere by Barbara Savage ~ Cycling
  • South by Ernest Shackleton ~ Antarctica
  • The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race against an Epidemic by Gay & Laney Salisbury ~ Alaska
  • Touching My Father's Soul by Jamling Tenzing Norgay ~ Everest
  • Two In The Far North by Margaret E. Murie ~ Alaska

Antarctica Expeditionary Team ~ Judi, Felice, Bob, and YOU!